

Just this past Monday, I had an epiphany. I was thinking about my deathbed as I oftentimes find myself doing when I wondered what would I be reaching for at that time. What type of assurance would I have that I am going to heaven? At that time, it would be difficult to go back and to assess all the "good" that I did over my life since there is little good to review. I believe I would need to solely rely on the good that Jesus did. That I would only be able to trust in Him. But that wasn't all...

I went to a small group meeting just one day before that when it was presented to me that the theophanies (God-sightings) in the old testament were really Christophanies (Christ-sightings); even when Moses was in the cleft of the rock and the hind-parts of God passed by creating an almost unbearable radiance. This is Jesus! He is God, the Radiant One! He said, if you see Me you have seen the Father. What an incredible Saviour. Most of the time, I think of him dying on a cross and performing various miracles, but to find that His radiance is overwhelming is, well, overwhelming. But that wasn't all...

Reading Luther's commentary on Ephesians, it is apparent that our works are as rags. There is no Law, but only Christ or His fulfillment of that Law.

Putting all of this together, I realized, why wait until my death bed to fully trust in Jesus alone. Yesterday I evaluated whether I was a Christian based on the good that I did. That would be a good indicator. How much did I study His Word; another good indicator. How did I treat others; another good indicator, etc, etc. But that is not it. Its not about me, my feelings, the "good" that I do, it is all and only about what Jesus did 2000 years ago. That is all I can rely on. Nothing else on my deathbed and nothing else today. Nothing I feel, do, and even think matters. The only thing that matters is Christ and Him crucified. So now, I can stop wondering and live in the liberty that is mine through Christ and what He has done.