
Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Oh My!

According to an Islamic apologetic, Islam worships the same God as the Christian God. This may also be said of other religions. There are many paths to the same God, right? These different religions just get there in different ways. "Is 'Allah' the same god of the Jews and Christians?

Yes. The word in Hebrew came from 'El' and in Arabic from 'Elh'. The word for 'god' (note the small 'g' in English) is 'Elah'. Compare this to 'Eloi' and 'Eli' in the New Testament.

The word 'Allah' is the perfect word to describe the God of Jews and Christians as it does not permit gender nor plural.
How about the God of the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses? What about the Hindus and the Buddhists? Aren't they all sincerely seeking after God?

God of the Christians:
The God of the Christians is a Trinity. God is One. However, there are three Persons in this One God. Each person in the Trinity is fully God. One may not see one part of the Christian God as God, but not the others. These three persons are indivisible.

The triquetra symbol shown here illustrates how something can be distinguished or separated, but remain the same object.

The three persons are the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. They are the One God. To belabor the point, Jesus Christ, born 2000 ago, is God in the Triune Godhead. 

Whether you believe this or not or whether you understand this or not is not necessarily the point here. The point is that any god that deviates from this definition of the Christian God is a different god. All roads cannot lead to different gods.

So the conclusion is quite simple in comparison. Let us see if they pass the "Jesus is God/part of the Trinity" test to see if they are looking to find the same God.

Muslims: Jesus is a prophet, but was not God.
Conclusion: Not the same God as the Christian God.

Jews: Jesus was a prophet, but was not God.
Conclusion: Not the same God as the Christian God.
Note: The God of the Old Testament (The Jewish Bible) is the same God. Those faithful Jews before Jesus was born looked forward to a Messiah; One who would pay for there sins in a conclusive way rather than the sacrifice of bulls and goats. Today, the Jewish faith does not look back to Jesus. Therefore, today's Jewish god is not the Christian God.

How about other "Christian" faiths?

Mormons: Jesus is not part of the Trinity. He is the first born of the god of this Earth who was once a man just as we are today. If we have faith, then we too will one day be the god of our own planet.
Conclusion: Not the same God as the Christian God. They are not Christians.

Hinduism: Jesus is a teacher, but not God.
Conclusion: Not the same God as the Christian God.

Buddhism: Jesus was enlighted, but not God.
Conclusion: Not the same God as the Christian God.
Note: Buddhists do not believe in life after death.

Jehovah's Witnesses: Jesus is Michael, the archangel.
Conclusion: Not the same God as the Christian God. They are not Christians.

Bottom Line: There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man and  God, Christ Jesus. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. Without Jesus, Jesus as God/part of the One God-Trinity, there is no "same path". They are worshiping something other than the Christian God. Consequently, they are on a path that leads to a destination that is different than the Christian path no matter how sincere they are or how hard they seek. For there is only One Way, no one comes to the Father except through Jesus. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name by which we may be saved.