
Environmentalism Related to Christs' Crucifiction

Church leader likens inaction on climate to crucifying Christ: "The Moderator of the Uniting Church Synod of NSW and ACT, the Reverend Niall Reid, said in his Easter message that climate change was the result of ''unsustainable, unfettered and unthinking addiction to economic growth'', and those who could not entertain a less destructive path were like those who sent Jesus to the Cross for expediency's sake.
The "holy" church of environmentalism has made its way into the institutional church. This reminds one of comparisons to Adolph Hitler. Whenever someone does something that is not so nice, they are compared to Hitler. But is their behavior really comparable to someone who murdered millions of people? Not quite. So is the lack of environmental policy comparable to the crucification of  Christ? 

Let us review just a little of what Jesus did and who He was:
  1. Born of a virgin
  2. Born and remained sinless His entire life
  3. Was fully God and fully man
  4. Was God's way of communicating Truth to man
  5. Was the Bridge that spanned the impassable golf between God and men because of sin
  6. Took our sin on Himself
  7. Gave us His righteousness
  8. Made us alive in Himself - rebirthed us into new creatures
We killed Him on a cross, the only truly good thing among us. We attempted to kill God Himself. But three days later, He arose and defeated sin and death for our sake. 

Is environmentalism comparable to this? Perhaps this preacher needs to go back to seminary for a few more lessons.