
Administration by Fiat-President Obama Acts as Monarchy

The latest in a series of decisions shows the disdain the current administration has for US law. Now, American Indians can use bald eagle feathers. That does not seem so bad as long as they are not hunting them down and killing them. Perhaps they find them on the ground or in other locations. Not disturbing the eagles' nesting habits and disrupting their habitat is fairly reasonable. The problem is that having Bald Eagle feathers is against the law. President Obama's Justice department has set a new policy that they will not enforce that part of the law. They are, in essence, acting by fiat. Picking and choosing which laws are good and which ones are not so good. This is similar to the administration not enforcing immigration laws in Arizona or looking the other way when the New Black Panther party intimidated voters in 2008. The United States is a country with laws that are passed by the Congress to be enforced by whatever administration is in power. It is not their place to pick and choose which one to follow or enforce. This is a republic, not a monarchy.