
Mormon Testimony in a Nutshell

“I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God through whom the gospel was restored in this dispensation.  I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth with which the Lord is well pleased.  I know the Book of Mormon is true and the most correct book on the face of the earth today.  I know we have a living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, who speaks for God. I believe in God the Father and in His Son Jesus Christ. I know that through the sealing ordinance in the temple, I can live with my family forever. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.” John Ankerberg (not his personal testimony)

How different this is from orthodox Christianity. Why is it we never hear them say this in public?

Assurance of Salvation

If we are not sure of our salvation, then we are relying on, even in the smallest way, something other than his all-sufficient sacrifice. What is to doubt? Have we been good enough? Is there something in us that is not quite right? Of course we are not good enough and of course there is something not quite right. There are major “not quite right” issues about us and about who we are. We will never measure up?

What is the doubt? It’s root is based in something in us. There is something deficient. Perhaps we have doubts or fears or perhaps we have strayed. However (and this is the point) Jesus has done it all. There is nothing for us to do except to sin. We can do no good apart from Him. Our part is the sin part. Do we continue to sin? Yes. That is our part. What is His part? Everything. Our part? Sin. Period. No discussion. No question. Christ is righteousness. We are sin. But what can we do about it? Nothing. Then what is our hope? Jesus. So what do we do next? Sin. Then what? Sin more. What more can there be? Nothing, but the blood of the All-Sufficient and Ever-Cleansing Blood of Jesus. That is all. That is enough. It is sufficient. Thank you, Jesus!