
Left-Leaning Video From Republican

This is a compelling video based on a speech by Ron Paul. Okay. Don't stop reading. Ron Paul may be a (continuous) minor player in the Presidential race, but he has some good points and he is a good counterbalance to the others viewed on stage. However, this point of view is not one that should be taken seriously although one should know what it is. What it is is a rebuttal of America's activities in the Middle East. Give it a look:  

However, what this video is not is a good reason to stay out of the Middle East. The example of Texas being invaded falls flat when one understands that Texas did not harbor folks who made the first strike. Remember that OBL and company attacked the United States. Then the US took action. Also remember that Iraq invaded Kuwait and afterward did not abide by the agreement when they lost that war. The comparison is interesting to view because it is where the Left is from, but not compelling when one understands the issues historically instead of emotionally.