
Should you be able to do anything you want with your body?

Well should you?

Should you be able to use drugs such as heroin?
Should you be able to commit suicide?
Should you be able to do perverted things with animals?
Should you be able to do perverted things to yourself?
Should you be able to do _______  if it "doesn't hurt anybody?"

As some of us say to our children, whatever sins you commit alone effect the entire family. Anyone who has been in a family has lived this. A drunk father, a straying mother, a child who cheats in school - the transgressions range from small to great, but each effects not only the individual, but the entire family. Equally, the sins committed on an individual basis in our society effects each of us. When you think you are alone, you are really part of a group - a family, a town, a country. Your actions either add to the structure and fabric of us all or they help to tear us apart. There has been enough tearing down. It is time to build up. We are not an island. Virtue matters even when alone. It's harder than the selfish route, but is something that is desperately needed in our day.