
Sarah Palin and the Temple Mount

Sarah Palin recently made a trip to Jerusalem where she lamented the restriction on public prayers on the Temple Mount, restrictions for those other than Muslims. "Why are you apologizing all the time", she says.

Good question. The city as well as the surrounding tiny country is Israel's. They have fought several recent wars to determine whose land it actually is and have won against enormous odds. The land was given to them thousands of years ago - by God. Compare the land mass to those Muslim countries that surround it. If these other countries are so eager to find the Palestinians land, then why don't they donate some of their own?

Peace negotiations have revolved around "land for peace". If Israel gives land, then the Palestinians will give peace. That is lopsided. How about peace for peace? It is doubtful there would be true peace if land were given. Just look at Gaza and the other areas land has been given. Only continued rockets and bombings result. 

No. Israel should not apologize for being Israel and they should stop the Islamic activity on the most holy site in the world, the Temple Mount.