
They Must Take Our Guns

Recently, the Vice President said the administration could act unilaterally bypassing congress to enact some sort of gun controls. This is not inconsistent with the past actions by this President. Acting by fiat, they have demonstrated they will not enforce immigration statutes in Arizona. Acting by fiat, they have appointed Czars of every stripe to oversee vast parts of our government. Make no mistake. This must take place. The right of the people must decrease while the power of the government must increase. Much like the recent election, this country must go they way it is going. You see, we are entering what the Bible describes as "end times". 

This period will be marked by more control of an ever-growing government, a world-government. This world government will control arms, finances, your very comings and goings. PRT has shown this time and again in the report of tracking mechanisms and the digitizing of the currency. It is all predicted. Consequently, our guns must go. First they will register them, they will pinpoint their locations (which is easily done), and then they will come for them. The people must be disarmed and vulnerable. However our hope is in the Lord. He will prevail. Let not your hearts be troubled.